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Re: Fuel Leak...again!

To: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Subject: Re: Fuel Leak...again!
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 09:08:59 -0700
References: <a05001900b62dd66c92b2@[]>
That sounds all so familiar!!!

I found that in my case it was a simple matter of reducing the fuel pressure 
and lowering the float!


Bill & Skip Pugh wrote:
> AAaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
> Now the fuel is leaking out of the top of the sediment bowl...pipe
> fittings are dry as a bone, thanks to suggestions from the list. But
> fuel is practially pouring out of the top of the sediment bowl...I
> have cleaned, tightened, reversed the gasket, coated the gasket with
> hypolar, twisted, tightened, and still it leaks.  I have managed to
> clamp the rubber fuel line so it is not pouring gasoline all over the
> garage, everything I try seems to make it worse!!  This is a SIMPLE
> thing, how can I be screwing it up so badly...all help gratefully
> accepted.
> Thanks
> --
> Bill Pugh
> aka Wily
> 1957 TR-3
> aka Casper
> TS16765L

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