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Re: Incredible Touring Weather!

Subject: Re: Incredible Touring Weather!
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 14:34:29 EDT
In a message dated 9/8/100 4:49:48 AM EST, writes:

<< Hmmm, previous experience suggests that, perhaps, there is still fun in
 the snow, >>

My early TR snow driving experience was in my 1954 TR2, in New York near the 
city where I was living in the early 60s.  Yes big lugged snow tires. 
Actually ran them all year since I could not afford nor store spare tires.  
The lower portion of the sidecurtains (held down by snaps on the early cars, 
but were missing on mine) used to raise up at speed like little wings and the 
snow would blow in, covering the occupants.  Heater never worked so I had two 
old sleeping bags installed permanently on the seats.  Get in, zip up and go. 
 Driver's side bag had the bottom torn out so as to reach the pedals.

Christmas Eve during a big snowstorm in 64 I slid that car into the back of a 
huge truck on a frozen viaduct in eastern PA coal country.  Made quite a mess 
of the front end. Put my girl friend on a bus for NY, found a kind local 
garage owner who let me sleep with the car in his garage while I fixed the 
car enough to get it home.  I think I got $500 for that car, after installing 
a TR3A front clip and repainting it!  Heard later that the car rolled on the 
Long Island Expressway after the diff locked up.  

Ah yes, for the days with no cares eh ?

Bob Paul
Corrales NM

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