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Re: Incredible Touring Weather!

To: "Philip E. Barnes" <>,,
Subject: Re: Incredible Touring Weather!
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:25:19 -0700
References: <v03110704b5dd76dd3bec@[]>
Ah Yes,
        I do remember the "weather" on the East Coast (spent 5 of the 
longest years in my life working in Lexington, MA) Unfortunately here 
we only have about 300 days a year of perfect top down weather...:-) 
The rule of the house/garage is "if you need to put up the top/hood, 
leave it in the Garage" Weather report??  Mid 80s, clear blue sky,can 
you spell "perfect"...
        Getting ready for a trip to the Palo Alto British Car Meet 
2000, on Sunday, nice little 100 mile jaunt, will the top be up??  I 
don't Think So!  Oh, I forgot about the fall foliage in NE...guess I 
will have to make a saunter up over Monitor Pass to view our Fall 
        From Northern California,the foothills of the Sierra, 
Calaveras County, I remain:

At 12:53 PM -0400 9/7/00, Philip E. Barnes wrote:
>At 12:23 PM -0400 9/7/00, wrote:
>>The weather doesn't get much better than this in the Northeast for early
>>September...what a change from Labor Day Weekend.....all of sudden we have
>>nights in the mid 40's; days barely touching 70; no humidity; and almost no
>Amen to that! I spent Labor Day on a becalmed sailboat in Chesapeake Bay,
>dehydrating from sweating so much. Come home and what do we get in central
>NY? Frost. Yep, it's happened. Now comes the best part of the year for
>driving in upstate New York.
>Phil Barnes (
>Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
>'71 TR6  CC61193L (Will run forever on cash)

Bill Pugh
aka Wily
1957 TR-3

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