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Re: State of the Triumphs List

To: Henry Frye <>
Subject: Re: State of the Triumphs List
From: Jim <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 19:18:15 -0400
Cc:, Mark J Bradakis <>
References: <>
I have to put in my two cents worth and if you elect to filter me out that's
certainly your call Mark.
I'm a newbie to Triumphs,  yes.  I'm a neophyte and a beginner.  I'm a fair to
middlin' mechanic and understand mechanical things.
I enjoy the list and the education I get from it since I'm not an expert as you
apparently are Mark.  I don't mind sharing my expertise in other areas with
folks who ask or need the help.
I like the banter, the intelligent conversation and the fun on here.
Seems to me like it's not for everyone (I'll defend your right to your opinion
forever Mark) but those folks tend to do other things.
Just a newbies thoughts..... just as you shared yours Mark.


Henry Frye wrote:

> I've been resisting this for quite some time now, but I can't take it any
> more.
> I have never made a non-Triumph post to this list is the 4 1/2 years I've
> been subscribed. This is the first one.
> I used to contribute often, as this list was an invaluable resource in my
> Triumph education. However, I now find that the annoyance of the list
> activity far outweighs than any benefit I'm receiving.
> This list was created to be a forum of discussion about Triumph cars.
> Repairing, maintaining, parts sources, car shows, etc. An occasional LBC
> related joke, but that was it.
> In years past the list had extremely knowledgable contributors who knew
> their stuff. A thread was started, all responses were public, and many good
> responses were had. A synopsis was posted by the person who started the
> thread. Everybody learned from one person's experience.
> As the 'signal to noise ratio' grew, many excellent contributors got fed up
> with the crap, and left the list. Well, that's what I'm seriously
> considering doing.
> The only way I've been able to take the day to day onslaught of crap is by
> using an email program with powerful filtering functions. I've got all you
> 'no added value' listers going right into my trash can. You know who you
> are, those people who can't resist commenting on EVERY thread, whether or
> not you have any direct knowledge of the subject. Listen guys, if you post
> to the list more than once or twice a week, please cool it. If you are not
> adding your insight on a Triumph related matter, don't click the send
> button. Nobody wants to read your smart little wisecrack.
> The list has grown into a big chat room. It will be to everyone's benefit
> if the knowledgable contributors don't unsubscribe.
> The growth of the Internet has been exponential. More and more Triumph
> enthusiasts are finding this list. That's great. But, will all you people
> please take a lesson in netiquette, and keep on the topic??? Trust me, most
> people could care less that your ex-girlfriend's father had an MG way back
> in the days of afros and bell bottoms.
> To all those who feel the need to flame me, go ahead. You are most probably
> being filtered into my trash already. To those of you who want things the
> way they used to be, maybe we can convince Mark to split the list again -
> Triumphs and Triumphs-Enthusiast-Chat-Room.
> Henry 'We don't need no stinkin' nomex' Frye

Rawchester, Neu Yawk
Sptifire MkII  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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