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Re: TR4 Wire Wheel Conversion

Subject: Re: TR4 Wire Wheel Conversion
From: Randall <>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 22:45:10 -0700
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <>
References: <>
Peter Zaborski wrote:
> Perhaps I am speaking out of turn here, not having wire wheels or anything
> but...if you cut the studs (which apparently are hard to fit in the first
> place), do you not eliminate the possibility of switching to your regular
> wheels when the situation presents itself? 

Yup.  Going the other way involves either new studs or new hubs (with
long studs).  One of the big advantages to the spacers ...

Actually, if you get the studs just the right length (so they just touch
the inside of the wire wheels when installed), you only loose about 2
threads when the disk wheels are installed.  This probably isn't safe
(you'll certainly never pass tech inspection at the track), but some are
done this way on my current car & I've never had a problem.  I don't
recommend it, tho, for obvious reasons.

59 TR3A

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