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Re: TR6-wiring an electric fuel pump

Subject: Re: TR6-wiring an electric fuel pump
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 14:20:29 PDT

>From: (Keith S. Ehrlich)
>Reply-To: (Keith S. Ehrlich)
>To: Andrew Mace <>
>Subject: Re: TR6-wiring an electric fuel pump
>Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 16:45:03 -0400
>Andrew Mace wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, George Richardson wrote:
> >
> > > Many cars with an electric pump, including the Stag, have an inertial 
> > > switch. Why not see if you can purchase one of these? If you run the 
> > > through the oil pressure switch, the car won't start until you've been
> > > cranking the engine a bit.
> >
> > Actually that might be a GOOD thing: engine not starting until a bit of
> > oil pressure has developed. ;-)
> >
>Seriously, Randall Young suggested a seperate switch off the oil sender
>that would close when pressure hit around 10-15 psi, which would do just
>what you suggest in addition to acting as a cutoff. Not a bad idea.
>After all, I have one of those Ignitor gadgets in my ignition system and
>the dang car starts right away every time-probably ruining the rings and
>valves! ;-)

   I have a "thumper" electric fuel pump in my `4. It always takes a
   couple of seconds to fill the float bowls after the car has sat
   for awhile. I suppose I could just start cranking instead of
   waiting for the "thumping" to stop. If I had to crank up 15 lbs of
   pressure befor the pump would kick in I'd be putting strain on my
   starter... Of course this wouldn' bother someone with one of those
   Nissan adapted starters. You Lucas starter guys might have a
   problem with it.

   Inertial cut off switches are available from several sources
   (Pegasus, and Truesports among others). I think you can get one
   from Ford too... They are not that cheap.

   The only thing I wish I had done differently was to install a
   physical cut-off (like a spigot) between the tank and the pump.
   I couldn't find one that I would trust when I was puting the new
   line in.


Greg Petrolati Champaign, Illinois
1962 TR4 (CT4852L)

That's not a leak... My car's just marking its territory...

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