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Re: TR6-wiring an electric fuel pump

Subject: Re: TR6-wiring an electric fuel pump
From: "Donald H. Locker" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 15:53:16 -0400
I'm finally catching up with the digested notes and wanted to pipe up
on this item.  Even with an oil pressure switch, there will be
sufficient fuel in the float bowl to start the car before oil pressure
comes up and an electric pump begins operating.  (The situation for
fuel injected vehicles is different, of course, because there is no
float-bowl or other reservoir.)  In event of an accident, the oil
pressure cutout will just prevent an electric pump from feeding any
possible fire with the rest of the contents of your fuel tank.  

In summary, starting is no problem, running is no problem.  Crashing
is a problem, as usual, but wouldn't be a fuel-enhanced problem.


On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Andrew Mace set forth:
> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, George Richardson wrote:
> > Many cars with an electric pump, including the Stag, have an inertial cutoff
> > switch. Why not see if you can purchase one of these? If you run the pump
> > through the oil pressure switch, the car won't start until you've been
> > cranking the engine a bit.
> Actually that might be a GOOD thing: engine not starting until a bit of
> oil pressure has developed. ;-)
> - --Andy

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