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Subject: VTR
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 12:50:46 -0400
Got back Saturday evening from a very enjoyable four days in Maine. Left Wed
AM to meet up with Brad Kahler, Bud Rolofson and Andy Mace about 45 minutes
from my house (figured my car could make it that far!). From there, it was
about a 2 1/2 hour cruise to Portland. If my car died, Brad and I planned to
take his nice Spit off of his trailer and put my TR3 ON it - then drive his
Spit the rest of the way. As it turned out, a totally unnecessary backup
plan. Car ran flawlessly!

Really enjoyed meeting lots of people I'd never met before, as well as
renewing old acquaintances. Lots of very nice cars - something for me to
shoot for! Especially enjoyed the Mayflower, the 2000 and the Italia (only
one of each). You just don't see those every day!

NE Triumphs did a very nice job of organizing and running the Convention.
Apparently, the Fire Marshall only got PO'd once...but easily resolved.
Events, timing, bus transportation, venues, et al - without a hitch! Nicely

Speaking of "organizers", I was glad to see Fred's comment about the
Standing O for Mark Bradakis...well deserved recognition for our benefactor
(and a talented autocrosser to boot!)!!

Trip home Sat PM - alone - went well. A little overheating at a backed-up
toll booth, but otherwise, a nice drive. All in all, a very enjoyable
convention. Now on to the new front suspension bushes I bought from TRF at
the show!

Michael Ferguson
Vernon CT

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