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To: Dave Massey <>
Subject: Re: VTR
From: Fred Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 19:23:01 -0400
Cc: TR List <>
References: <>
If you could kindly send me her mailing address, I will send her a copy of this
post as I'm sure she has not seen it. Please don't change her, nobody had a
better time than she, especially after judging, we were all proud of her, and
remember she gave the Brits the flag.

Dave Massey wrote:

> Cheers.
> Art Kelly
> ------------------------------
> Fred writes:
> >Listers, just looking over the maps, now if the N.E. crew would swing
> >across the N. route and join up with the Michigan club, N.J., N.Y. &
> >Penna joins with the Ohiio group, the Geo. & Fla people swing up to
> >Indianapolis, we could then join forces with the "party people from
> >Illi., continue to the Masseys, up to that guy from Johnson Island.find
> >the auto crosser in Colo, we will sure have a nice trip to ="Portland"=,
> >Oh my, thats next year, sorry for the post.   "FT"
> I'm going to stop bringing my wife to these things.  Between Fred and Dan
> Masters talking nice to her the whole time she's expecting it from ME.  Its
> going to take weeks to break her of it.
> Dave

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