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To: TR List <>, "Fred Thomas (TR)" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: VTR
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 18:47:10 -0400


Art Kelly


Fred writes:

>Listers, just looking over the maps, now if the N.E. crew would swing
>across the N. route and join up with the Michigan club, N.J., N.Y. &
>Penna joins with the Ohiio group, the Geo. & Fla people swing up to
>Indianapolis, we could then join forces with the "party people from
>Illi., continue to the Masseys, up to that guy from Johnson Island.find
>the auto crosser in Colo, we will sure have a nice trip to ="Portland"=,
>Oh my, thats next year, sorry for the post.   "FT"

I'm going to stop bringing my wife to these things.  Between Fred and Dan 
Masters talking nice to her the whole time she's expecting it from ME.  Its
going to take weeks to break her of it.


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