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Re: VTR 99

Subject: Re: VTR 99
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:38:00 -0400
On 11-July YOU wrote:

> Hmmm, how does one get the wife to thinking that a car related trip is a
> vacation? Never worked for me.

Well, not being married anymore, I can tell you what doesn't work!

But the following marketing tools have been reported to have worked

1. But Honey, it's "vacation land".

2. Lobster honey... and so fresh, you can hear them screaming while they
put 'em in the pot!

3. A trip to L.L. Bean

4. Lighthouses

5. Coastal Maine.

6. Lobster

7. Sebago Lake

8. Ben & Jerry - whoops, wrong state! But it's on the way!

9. Lobster

10. Great people in the World's Greatest Sportscars. What more can you ask

It's a _must do_!

Bobstah the Lobstah.

p.s. in reference to several items above - make sure you have heavy duty
springs on your car. If not, buy some from Charles Runyan while you're up
here so the car doesn't "bottom out" on the trip home. Can you spell
C-A-L-O-R-I-E-S?? I knew you could.

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