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Re: Desert Fox

To: Jim Hill <>
Subject: Re: Desert Fox
From: "b.johnson" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 22:13:32 +0000
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: home
References: <>
Jim Hill wrote:
> Fellow Triumphisti . . .
> If we venture into arguments over politics, religion &etc on this list, the
> daily load of email will shortly go through the roof. Most of us signed on
> to this list to exchange information about Triumphs, not preach to each
> other concerning the news of the day. But that's just the MINOR problem.
> The real harm done is that arguments will start, some folks will get angry
> and bad feelings will result. The occasional discussion of the merits of
> English beer and similar off-topic excursions are not likely to stir such
> deep emotions. We all share a common affection (affliction?) for quirky
> British automobiles - we do NOT all share the same feelings about political
> ideology or religious principles.
> As has already been said, these other topics are important (much more
> important than cars), but there are plenty of places to discuss them. If you
> have a question to ask or information to share about Triumphs, I'd like to
> hear it regardless of your political persuasion. As far as this mailing list
> is concerned, I don't care what your philosophy is on the larger issues of
> the day. And, quite frankly, I'm not really interested in receiving email
> about it.
> Jim Hill
> Madison WI
> ===================================
> In the past several hours, we've been treated to:
> > And a Merry Christmas to all the Innocent people killed at the other end
> > due to someones impeachment.
> > I have one question about this whole Saddam thing. Why are we scared of
> > this guy . . . I would suggest lifting the sanctions and forget about him.
> But,
> > if he was to use his supposed "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" on someone
> > else, level the country.
> > Am I mistaken in thinking that this is a list devoted to discussions about
> > Triumph cars?  Maybe I inadvertently subscribed to the Rush Limbaugh mail
> > list.
> > While we all are interested in our cars, can we not share our opinions
> about
> > events that are important? Impeachment/war in the gulf? Should we just
> bury
> > our heads in the sand (or under our cars, whichever you prefer) and
> pretend
> > it didn't happen?
> > Dare I say "Wag the Dog"?
> > Prepare yourself for another round of government controlled media
> > manipulation.
> > I would like one place to not be forced to hear everything rehashed yet
> > again.
> > this list is not war, chemical, or death immune, it is
> > yours, mine and even our grand childrens life that can very well be on
> > the line here . . .

Hear Hear Jim
I agree entirely

Brian Johnson  (UK)


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