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Re: Desert Fox

Subject: Re: Desert Fox
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 13:58:26 EST
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-12-17 13:19:30 EST, you write:

<< sn't it obvious whose idea it was? What do foxes get anthropomorphized 
 for? Being sly, cunning and having the ability to "outfox" their 
 A fitting description for a person who accepts oral sex from a 
 subordinate in a government office, lies about it, lies about lying 
 about it, then decides to go to war when it seems the "fox" might get 
 Actually a better name for this little stunt should be "Desert Dog".
 I feel sorry for the military and their havingto be put into action 
 during the holidays so our "courageous" president won't have to face 
 Did you know that his excuse for the timing of the attack was so we 
 would not upset the Arabs during their holiday of Ramadan?
 So much for Christmas and New Year's for us though!
 Maybe "Desert Asshole" would be better.

Gee, and I thought I was being tough on him.

                                      Jim M. 

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