Thats news to me and I have a LHD US TR6, I never removed the petrol
pump, seems like your mechanic has sort of two left hands so to speak, I
would seriously think of changing the mechanic if he's expanding an oil
change to that sort of major surgery. Keeping in mind that he forgot to
replace it seems to reinforce that.
> The problem here is that LHD cars exported to the US have the steering
> column strategically placed right in the way of changing the oil
> filter.
> In fact, it is impossible (at least in my experience) to remove the
> oil
> cannister without removing the fuel pump... and removing the fuel pump
> is
> exactly how our Triumph mechanics used to accomodate this little
> quirk.
> In fact, on at least 5 or more occasions our TR6 would stop running on
> a
> very busy street here in the Boston area about a quarter-mile from the
> dealer after we had had an oil change. Every time, it was because the
> mechanic had negelcted to reinstall the fuel pump after the oil
> change.