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Re: MGB vs. Spitfire!!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: MGB vs. Spitfire!!
From: Allen Nugent <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 14:11:11 +1100 (EST)
>Brian Furgalus wrote:
>> I'm a HS Junior and am about to make the big purchase!  ...
>> So, it has been narrowed down by me to two cars.  The Good ol' MGB, or

Brian, perhaps if you had already finished your automotive eng. course you
wouldn't need to ask. In my opinion, Triumph was technically and
stylistically ahead of MG by 5-10 years, from the TR2 onwards (at least!).
Look how little the MGB evolved over its improbably long career, compared to
the stream of exciting and technically innovative cars that Triumph
produced, one after another, during the same period?

And another thing: I've never met an MG owner or appreciator who was
technically competent, or a particularly good driver. Could there be a

Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney  2052  Australia

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