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Re: Electronic Tach

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Electronic Tach
From: Egil Kvaleberg <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:31:29 GMT
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <> <>
On 31 Oct 1997, Joe Curry wrote:

> One lead goes to the coil negative connection
> One goes to Ground
> The third goes to Power and the voltage stabilizer.

The trad. 70s Lucas electronic Tacho is connected in *series* with the 
coil. So it requires that the connection between the coil and the points 
is routed *via* the tach. So you need two wires for this. The standard 
connectors at the tach are such that it is easy to connect them should you 
ever need to remove the tach for servicing etc. Failing to do that will 
cut the ignition if you remove the tach.

In addition to these two wires, you need a supply and ground wire, as you 
noted. Plus a wire to the instrument lighting, of course.
> You always have theoption of an after-market one.

They will usually connect as you have noted, with ONE wire to the coil.

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