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Re: GT6 Rear suspension

To: R John Lye <>
Subject: Re: GT6 Rear suspension
From: Dave Fain <>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 08:47:37 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
R John Lye wrote: 
> Be aware that these brackets *may* foul the inner sides of the
> wheel arches.  TSSC also sells similar brackets for mounting
> the shocks directly to the frame.  I bought a set of these and
> found that I would have had to pound up the inner sides of the
> arches on my car; since I didn't want to do that to this car,
> Chris Kantarjiev now has the set I purchased.
> John Lye

John, I wonder if the brackets could be modified in some
way so this wasn't necessary?  I had also considered trying
to fabricate some myself once I get to that point.  I wonder
if I could grind off those unused mounting brackets on that
chunk of frame that I have and incorporate them?  Don Joy
is still pretty handy with an arc welder. I am borrowing a
recent TriumphTune catalog from a guy in the club, maybe it
will have a photo so I can visualize what they need to look
like.  I have an old one but I didn't see this part listed. 

Do you have Chris's email address?  I have his card but it's
at work.  I was thinking of ordering the ones from TriumphTune
but I would like to avoid having to deal with trans-Atlantic
shipping hassles.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Are you and Valerie still planning to go to Ft. Worth?  

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