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RE:RE:Limited Slip Options for TR6

Subject: RE:RE:Limited Slip Options for TR6
From: (Peter Juergens)
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 12:58 +0100
Hi Rich, Greg and...:
Thanks for the Info`s.
I used to own a couple of Capris in the past and as far as I can remember,
the axle LOOKS very similar.

Could someone tell me what in fact 9"-axle mean, where is this "measured"
and what size has a TR4 got??
In the meanwhile I'll have a look to the scrapyards. 


Peter Juergens
´62 TR4 daily

>>>>>Only the fastest toy wins!<<<<<


>I'm pretty sure the 2.8 injection Capri's had a limited slip diff, whether they
>would fit or how available they are over there I don't know though.
>> Hi Greg,
>> could you tell me a bit more about this 9" Ford axle!
>> Is there a chance for me in Germany?

>       Perhaps... I'm not sure what rear the late model Capri used.
>       This side of the BWS the last Capris looked a lot like Mustangs.

Greg, they didn't look like Mustangs over here, very similiar to the Mercury
Capri, but slightly smoother and with an opening rear hatch.


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