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Re: TR4 cylinder head replacement

Subject: Re: TR4 cylinder head replacement
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 23:02:49 -0600 "Re: TR4 cylinder head replacement" (Aug 29, 12:40pm)
Original-from: (Charles Y. Farwell)
Original-from: (Charles Y. Farwell)
References: <>
        Thanks for all the replies. What an wonderful idea: The Rope Trick!

        Too bad I already had the head off before I heard of this. It might
        of saved me several hours of agony. Raising the head that first 1/4
        inch is the hardest part, and it is *very* tempting to use a metal
        tool of some sort to get the job done. I resorted to wrapping a
        small pry-bar with duct tape. I think I managed to avoid serious

        The old head is cracked in two places: between the water jacket
        holes between cylinders 2 and 3, and at the edge of the #4
        combustion chamber. It is the latter that I think makes the head
        unrepairable. If anyone disagrees, I'd love to hear it!

        Interesting to hear the concerns about turning the engine with the
        head off for fear the liners might move. I have not cranked the
        engine, but have turned by hand a few revolutions for cleaning
        purposes and I'm pretty sure the liners have not budged. But I will
        be more careful in the future. BTW, what is the purpose of those
        figure 8 gaskets anyway?

Charlie Farwell         1962 TR4 #CT3852L

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