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Re: TR4 cylinder head replacement

To: Andrew Mace <>
Subject: Re: TR4 cylinder head replacement
From: (Dave Garron)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 08:05:06 -0400
>A great trick to be sure, but isn't there a risk of disturbing the 
>liners, i.e., breaking the seals for the figure-eight gaskets, when 
>doing this on a wet-liner engine? Granted, it's not a problem if you're 
>doing a complete tear-down, but if all you're doing is replacing the 
>head, then there IS a risk, right?
>- --Andy

I pulled my TR head a while back, using rope, levers, and linguistics.  
In my case, I was hoping the liners _would_ come loose, but no such luck,
they may as well be welded in place.  My limited experience has been that
the heads that were so stuck that they required extraordinary measures
also had stuck liners.  On the one head I've done that came off easily,
I did bolt the liners down and didn't move the pistons, not giving myself
the opportunity to see if it was necessary.  I think the guys in the clean
white lab coats who write the manuals only work on new, unused engines.
Maybe I'm the wrong person to be responding... the concept of anything on
an old LBC coming undone easily (except wire wheels - see other thread) is
foreign to me.


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