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Re: TR250 Alternator

Subject: Re: TR250 Alternator
From: Sholtes IV <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 22:07:07 -0700
References: <v01510107ae4abeb41f47@[]>

   I just went to the cellar and checked my TR 250's alternator. Here
is the run-down... From the engine side going out I have: 1) a fat black
wire which goes to ground, via the coil mounting bracket bolt; 2) a fat
brown wire with a white stripe that goes into the harness and problably
carries the output electricity to the batt.; 3&4) are two, yes two
thin brown wires arranged vertically one upon another. The topmost of
these is a thin (approx. 14 gauage) brown wire with a green stipe.The
next down is a thin wire of the same guage and is colored brown with 
a yellow stripe. These thin wires also disapear into the harness.
  I forgot to mention that the two thin wires connect with the alter-
nator with a separate plug than the two fat wires do. Also the thin 
brown/green stripe wire connects to a terminal near the marks  F -
 on the black plastic housing of the alternator.
  By careful reading of your Haynes manual and checks with a volt/ohms
meter (VOM) you should should be able to find the solution to this
problem. If however, you can't, write back and we'll try to figure it 

                       JOE IV
                       TR 250

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