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Webers or SUs, that's the question

Subject: Webers or SUs, that's the question
From: "VanDerLet, Ronald" <RLET@wcnd.utrecht.ATTGIS.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 16:37:00 PDT
Encoding: 33 TEXT
Hi all,

Allthough I'm still working on the chassis of my '67 MkI GT6, I'm planning 
for an engine overhaul as well. While doing this I want to convert the 
engine's carburation from Strombergs to either SU's or Webers. The reasons 
for the conversion are:
     My carbs need either rebuiling or replacing
     I've heard Srtombergs are a pain in maintenance /reliability
     Most important reason is that it seems Strombergs do not take other 
engine mods as well as SUs or Webers.

The main idea is to get some more power  out of the old 2 litre lump. I'm 
aiming at something between 130 and 150 bhp and no I don't want to swap it 
for a 2.5 litre unit. So, can anyone tell me whether my assumptions are 
correct and if so, should I gor for the SUs or the Webers. Should I go for a 
double or for a triple carb setup?

Suggestions anyone?

Ronald van der Let
Culemborg, The Netherlands

"Wouldn't such a trip take hours, dear? It's such an old car" as my mother
in law said about a 130 mile trip with my Lancia. I took her for a spin and 
she's still recovering......

'78  Mercedes Benz 280CE ------ Daily workhorse with a drinking problem.
'67  Triumph GT6 ------ Undergoing nut and bolt restoration .You need to 
travel at least 6 miles to see all the parts.
'70  Lancia Fulvia Coupe 1.3S Rallye ------ Lots of fun, but would you 
believe those Lancia parts prices.

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