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Re: Webers or SUs, that's the question

Subject: Re: Webers or SUs, that's the question
From: (Egil Kvaleberg)
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 20:23:30 +0100
Newsgroups: mail.triumphs
References: <2FC12056@wcnd.utrecht.ATTGIS.COM><>
In article <>,
"Chris Kantarjiev" <> wrote:
>       The main idea is to get some more power  out of the old 2 litre lump.
>       I'm
>       aiming at something between 130 and 150 bhp and no I don't want to swap
>       it
>       for a 2.5 litre unit. So, can anyone tell me whether my assumptions are
>       correct and if so, should I gor for the SUs or the Webers. Should I go
>       for a double or for a triple carb setup?
> Sigh. You can't just swap the carbs and expect to bump the horsepower 30 to
> 50%. You're going to have to do some homework and make some decisions. Start
> off by purchasing the TriumphTune catalog and reading it and making sense of
> it.

With that kind of perspective you will definitely have to go for triple
DCOE Webers. 

But why not go for Lucas injection? With a TR5 camshaft, porting, CR
and exhaust system to match you may get up to 155 bhp on the 2 litre. But
you'll definitely need the Mk II engine with large valves as basis
for any serious tuning, the Mk I is simply too hard to find parts for.

Recommended reading:

        G. Thomas:
        Tuning Manual for Standard Triumph Cars 
        Produced between 1959 & 1980
        G J Thomas, GT Special Tuning Products, Coventry, England


You'd have to watch the GT6 gearbox, though. It will live a hard life. 

Email:  Voice: +47 22523641/92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
Smail: Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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