> engine's carburation from Strombergs to either SU's or Webers. The reasons
> for the conversion are:
> My carbs need either rebuiling or replacing
> I've heard Srtombergs are a pain in maintenance /reliability
> Most important reason is that it seems Strombergs do not take other
> engine mods as well as SUs or Webers.
The SUs are solid, reliable carbs. However, if you're going for mods,
they take a fair bit of skill (which I didn't have :-) to get them
right. OTOH, I found the Weber on my 'B to be an easy conversion that
provided significantly better throttle response at a cost of a slightly
rough idle @ 1000 RPM. I would warn you that you'll need to have the
Weber(s) set up by someone; they're not an out of the box carb.
> The main idea is to get some more power out of the old 2 litre lump. I'm
> aiming at something between 130 and 150 bhp and no I don't want to swap it
Uh, what do you think this engine is - a small block chevy? If you're
looking for that type of HP, you'll need a higher CR, more cam, etc. On
my 1.8 liter 'B, a header and sidedraft Weber only added ~8 HP (up to 62
@ 3750 RPM), although the torque was up a fair bit (muddled numbers :(
and the driveability improvements were significant.