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Re: Exhaust questions: paste, wrap, needles

To: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Subject: Re: Exhaust questions: paste, wrap, needles
From: Joe Curry <Spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 09:38:27 -0700
Alan Lemen wrote:
> James some answers to your questions:

> >2) I want to wrap the 4-2-1 manifold with exhaust wrap to improve engine
> >bay and cockpit heat, any tips, advice, downpoints?
> >
> It definitely helps keep the heat down, especially into the carbs. Make
> sure you have a good heat shield.
> Also put it on, with the header (manifold) off the car. Near impossible
> once it's on.

One large downside to exhaust wraps.  They retain heat and moisture in
the header and lead to premature deterioration of the header metal.  I
would never use them unless there was no alternative.


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