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RE: The Thieves are Back

To: "'Catchpole, Pat'" <Pat.Catchpole@ntc-europe.co.uk>,
Subject: RE: The Thieves are Back
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:46:34 +0100
Pat said:

...Many people (including myself) think the disc should be made obsolete...
government argues there would be no easy way to ensure a vehicle had valid
insurance / roadworthiness...

This is the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard.  If this was a genuine
concern, we could keep the disc system, just not have to pay for it.  Or we
could be issued insurance discs from our insurers (not a bad idea in any
case).  The DVLA keeps records of all this stuff on computer anyway, so
no-one needs a paper disc as ultimate proof of anything.

Sorry, I said a few minutes ago that my rant was over!

R & D

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