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Re: my uj and bearing update - and brake light

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: my uj and bearing update - and brake light
From: "^~ beancounter ^~" <richard@bonilla.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 06:18:25 -0700
thanx for the info...richard / colorado

> Richard,
> The clearest sign of a UJ on its way out is a clearly audible single
> from the rear of the car when you start to accelerate, or lift off the
> accelerator.  This may be just free play in the diff (which is quite
> and perfectly possible to live with for many thousands of miles), but it
> worth checking out if it appears suddenly, or (if you already have free
> in your diff) if the 'clunk' changes noticeably.
> When the UJ is on its last couple of miles it may move to a
> 'click-click-click' every time the wheel rotates, in addition to the loud
> 'clunk'.

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