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Re: Mouse trap success

To: KTnKT <ktnkt@cape.com>, 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: Mouse trap success
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 08:13:37 -0500
I must protest... I prefer a catch and release so you don't terminate the
little buggers. Killing mice is not good, especially when you can trap them
safely(as demonstrated by the method indicated sans water or antifreeze).
You should, immediately upon their capture take them, unharmed, and quietly
slip them through the window of a parked Honda, Hyundai, or Acura belonging
to one of the locals who has a tin can exhaust and stereo from hell, which
he is intent on utilizing late into the evening. Not only does this allow
the mouse to live, he finds a new home, and potentially acts as a sub-rosa
pet for the car's owner.

grinning like an idiot

 >Well, by following the advice of one of the list members I have
succeeded in preventing mouse related problems from occuring in my TR6.
This approach involves the 5 gallon sheetrock pail with a smooth rod
inserted through the top from side to side. In the center of the rod I
put a soup can with both lids intact and the rod going through the top
and bottom lids, allowing it to spin freely in the center, at the top of
the bucket. A thin strip of peanut butter was applied around the
circumference of the can, then a thin wooden strip was attached with
duct tape (everything needs at least one piece of duct tape) from the
floor to the top of the pail where one end of the rod goes through the
pail, to act as a walkway. A couple inches of water, or antifreeze, is
then put in the bottom of the pail.
   I put this set-up in the shed when the TR was put to sleep last fall,
and yesterday I saw the first two "testers" of the system. It worked
   And, I'll be using Zerex anti-freeze in my cars, as both mice showed
no signs of freezing, boil-over, or corrosion.
Kevin Thompson

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