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RE: my uj and bearing update - and brake light

To: <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Subject: RE: my uj and bearing update - and brake light
From: "James Carruthers" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 15:18:13 -0000
I do feel like a complete idiot now - not getting on to the UJs earlier was
dumb. I remember your warnings about it to begin with. I feel I should
apologise for my stupidity concerning this.

They were indeed new half-shafts.


Richard wrote:

If your UJs were that badly shot consider yourself DAMN lucky they didn't
finally disintegrate while you were driving the car, that is a VERY scary
experience, and one that I am eternally grateful that I've come away from
pretty much unscathed.  I've learned the hard way the UJs are something you
do NOT, EVER leave until you've got a more conveniant time to do it.

I'm hoping that's new half-shafts you got from TRGB for that price - when
I've bought used ones off them before they have asked for something like #15
or #20, and a UJ is about #7.  Then again TRGB may not have any more used
ones - I might have used them all up already!

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