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Re: Going topless - but where do the windows go?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Going topless - but where do the windows go?
From: "Greg Rowe" <growe58@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 09:52:25 -0500
I think that you and Mike are actually saying the same thing.

Ayway, I've tried various ways to make the top more leak-proof.
I've ran small screws through the top into the frame to hold it
more securely in place.  I've padded rubber between the top and
the frame to push it tighter against the window.  I've cut small
holes and inserted old straightened out wire coat hangers to make
it stiffer and hold in place.

None of them worked.  The only thing that ever kept the seat dry
was putting a plastic trash bag over it.  And driving in really
wet weather, the floor gets wet, the seat foams act as a sponge
and the seat gets wet from the inside out!

Even worse than rain, is having snow blow in!

Greg Rowe

>From: John Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>
>I think I'll disagree with you here Mike.  I believe that the flaps
>actually go on the inside.  If you have a well fitting soft-top and
>window then there should be a lip just above the wound up window to drain
>the rain away.
>Practically though, in wet weather, it makes much more sense to have the
>flaps on the outside if you don't like sitting in a puddle and getting
>electric shocks from the gear stick becuase it's so wet...
>--- Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com> wrote:
> > In article <3C7A19C2.2BD6E0EA@rave.ac.uk>, James Carruthers
> > <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk> writes
> > >Skip straight to the quesiton and avoid the ramble --> ***
> >
> > OK
> > >
> > >*** But my question is - where do the windows go? - surely the soft
> > top
> > >doesnt just curl around and go inside?
> >
> > Bizarrely, yes.   I've never really understood why Triumph didn't come
> > up with a better solution for this.   After all, the Spitfire may have
> > been designed by an Italian (and it never rains in Italy, of course),
> > but it was built in UK, and it hardly ever *stops* raining here.
> >
> > When driving, rainwater only tends to come in at the very top of the
> > leading edge of the side windows, and then not a great deal gets in, so
> >
> > it is hardly worth worrying about.   When parking, however, try to face
> >
> > the car into the wind, or quantities of rainwater will blow in all the
> > way along the trailing edges.
> >
> > > If it goes on the outside then
> > >you can't get out with the windows up? I feel Im missing something
> > >here.....
> >
> > No, not missing anything, just discovering another of the joys of
> > owning
> > a Spitfire. :-)
> >


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