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Re: Bodywork

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Bodywork
From: "Tom O'Malley" <tomomalley@meganet.net>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:03:12 -0500

Consider buying Practical Classics Spitfire Restoration Guide.  Even
if you farm out the work you'll have a good idea what's involved.  PC
has a notorious reputation for selecting cars that no longer cast a
shadow.  *Anything* that can rust on a Spit is covered.

I wouldn't panic about your "bonnet leading edge" unless the metal is
actually perforated in spots.  Some rust bubbling is typical because
water droplets will cling to the bottom.  If the integrity is still
good you can clean to bare metal, treat with phosphoric acid, prime
and paint.  In the case of Ken's GT6 bonnet, the leading 4-5 inches
where simply *not there*!

Tom O'Malley 

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