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Re: RE: Found a new victim - er - project!

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: RE: Found a new victim - er - project!
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 06:30:56 -0500
Lots of folks waste money on things all the time.  From "killer" tailpipe
tips to gasline magnets.  Lousy tires that look cool to blue headlights
that shine less light.  Companies that market garbage count on that.  
Be they JC Whitney, Monza/Pacesetter, McDonalds, or Microsoft.  
They all count on people wasting money on their products that don't 
perform any better then other far cheaper ones already on the market.

Speaking for myself, I didn't know about the UK 1500 exhaust manifold
until recently.  I thought that everyone had the same poor flowing lump
of a factory exhaust manifold that we had in the US.  In that case, a 
header, even a fairly poor one, would flow better.  But now that I know 
about the factory piece, it knocks a lot of headers off the parts list for me,
as it were.  

If you want to trade a junkyard two piece 1500 manifold for my
chromed 4-1 header, I'll be quite delighted to swap you for it.  And my
header's probably not a Pacesetter, it's quality is a bit too high for them.

As for the leaks, Permatex Ultra-copper works wonderfully in this application.

>>> Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com> 11/09 3:51 AM >>>
If the UK-spec manifold is considered that much better than most
after-market headers currently available, why are so many people spending
big money on less good headers?  Anywhere in the UK that breaks Spitfires
(e.g. the Spitfire Graveyard, TRGB) will have piles of these manifolds lying
around, and will happily ship them out to you I'm sure.  Give them a call!!

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