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RE: TRF Catalog!!

To: "'BILL McDEVITT'" <wmmk1@informatics.net>, Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: RE: TRF Catalog!!
From: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 15:08:42 -0400
Little late into this conversation,  However all the parts I have ever
ordered from TRF come in ziplock bags (when I get them at all) and are not
the original manufactureres.  However Spitbits and some of the "Johnny come
latelys" Always have the parts and they are in factory original boxes!!!!
Never had a problem.  

Please realize it is not necessarily where you get the parts,  There are
only a couple places that 90% of the parts come from, and the parts houses
all buy from the same one.

So why does "johnny come lately" have it and not the "big Guys"  Proper
business management!!  I hold complete faith in Capitilism, if TRF can't cut
the grade then I will buy from someone who can, and come tomorrow they will
be the "Big Guy" and the TRF will be the "Johnny gone Recently".

If TRF didn't have themselves so over stretched financially and they
actually had parts in stock then there wouldn't be this problem.

Patrick Bowen
- I want my parts, I want them NOW

-----Original Message-----
From: BILL McDEVITT [mailto:wmmk1@informatics.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 8:02 PM
To: Joe Curry
Cc: Spifires Autox Team; SpitfiresRule@aol.com
Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!

C'mon Joe, I wasn't born Yesterday and you are trying to
tell me that the two places you mention will have any part
I should need all the time?? Yea, sure!! In addition don't
knock the TRF accent, as its the same as mine!! Was born
and raised in that area, but left before TRF. You may shop
where ever you desire, but I shop for QUALITY!! I don't have
to repair mine and replace the same parts every three
months!! Also might be able to help you with those missing
license plates??  Bill

> Bill,
> When you run into that magic part (and sooner or later you will) that TRF
puts on their backorder list for an eternity, give Nigel a
> call and either he will have it or British Parts Northwest will and at a
substantial savings!
> Been there, done that!
> There was a time that TRF was the preferred option.  Not any more,
particularly on Spitfires.  They have let their leadership position
> dwindle so badly that the "Johnny Come Lately's" have taken up the slack.
Besides all that, Nigel speaks with a "proper" accent!
> Joe
> BILL McDEVITT wrote:
> >
> > Mitch, Never heard of them until recently. Must be Johnny
> > come lately people!! I've been buying Spitfire parts since
> > 1982 and have no reason to shop anywhere other than the
> > TRF!!  Thanks, Bill.
> >
> > > Bill, Spitbits has an "early Spit catalog. I've had nothing but good
> > service from Nigel and his crew.
> > >  Mitch.

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