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Re: TRF Catalog!!

To: Dean Dashwood <Dean.Dashwood@enron.com>
Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!
From: Ted Schumacher <tedtsimx@q1.net>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 07:48:10 -0400
dean and list.  thank you all. the input will be put to good us. our on-line 
is now typed. prices are being updated and the prelimanary should be on our 
soon.  in the meantime, as soon as my head comes back down from swelling, i will
keep working on supplying the brit car community.  for those who don't know us
personally, we supply the same depth of knowledge on other tr's and mg's as 
what you
see with the spit.  dean, we do export but the branch office will not be open 
awhile.  jeff, i just read your request this morning and prices will be sent
seperately.  NASS discount - please identify yourself when you call or we will 
know you get hte discount.  thanks again. ted

Dean Dashwood wrote:

> Thought I'd add in my £0.02 to this one (just in case there weren't enough
> contributors ;-)).
> Every now and then, a thread pops up on this list where someone has had a
> problem with a big supplier, and a load of other people agree.  Then a load 
> people disagree and say how wonderful the supplier is.
> Everyone makes mistakes or has problems from time to time, and everyone has
> their own personal experiences and will act on them.  Personally, I have 
> using Rimmer Bros due to having had a number of problems with poor quality of
> parts, and started using John Kippings instead.  But I now have a steering 
> on back-order at Kippings, despite being promised that it would be delivered 
> me by last Thursday.  Other people have had good experiences with Rimmer Bros
> and swear by them.  For every supplier out there, there seem to be a number of
> people who are extremely happy with that supplier, and a number who are not.
> There is one exception to this, though - I have never heard a bad word 
> about Ted Schumacher.  Jeff makes some good points about why he's not the 
> supplier that people think of, but every comment I've seen on this list about
> the parts he's supplied and the service he gives has been complimentary.  I've
> never ordered from Ted since the cost of shipping to the UK would probably be
> prohibitive, and I have no financial interest in TSI, but over the past few
> months I've noticed several people making positive comments about Ted and TSI,
> but a lack of negative comments.  Ted, when are you going to open a franchise 
> the UK?
> Well, that's enough free advertising for Ted.  I'm going to go home and see if
> my steering rack has arrived, otherwise I may give Rimmer Bros a call.  Or 
> I should simply set up shop selling Triumph parts - on second thoughts, I'm 
> sure I could handle the stories about me when an order doesn't work out quite
> right.
> Dean
> -------------------
> Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 18:49:51 -0700
> From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
> Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!
> In the midst of all this hullabaloo yesterday, I received an impassioned
> e-mail from Ted Schumacher.  The same Ted Schumacher who has generated some
> very nice PR and goodwill for himself recently by offering Spitfire Squadron
> members 10% off.
> <Snip>
> Best wishes,
> Jeff in San Diego

Ted Schumacher
TS Imported Automotive
404 Basinger Rd.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Ph. 800/543-6648  USA/Canada  FAX 419/384-3272 24 hour
Ph. 419/384-3022 - tech./general information
Web page http://www.tsimportedautomotive.com
New-Used-Rebuilt-NOS-Performance British car parts.
200 - 300 parts cars in our British-only salvage yard.

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