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Re: TRF Catalog!!

To: "Spitfire list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: TRF Catalog!!
From: "Mark Campbell" <spitfire@shelby.net>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 22:19:09 -0400
Just my opinion, but I always look to Nigel at SpitBits and Ted at TSI.
SpitBits has the online catalog as well as printed catalogs plus Nigel is
always helpful on the phone.  I've asked him plenty of questions and he's
always ready with a good answer.  I've ordered so many parts from him in the
last year or so, he knows my voice when I call.
Now Ted knows how to make a Spitfire go fast...at least for a Spitfire.  I
wish I lived closer to his shop and an unlimited bank balance. :) Again, he
gives good answers and advice and is always helpful on the phone.
>From my experiences, you don't get this kind of personalized service from
the big three.  Their order lines are just that, order lines.
I like the online catalogs too, most of my ordering is done from work where
I don't have my printed catalogs but I do have net access.

Anyway, just my 2 cents...

Mark Campbell (Randy Campbell if Nigel sees this, some people just don't go
by their first name)
72 Spitfire MK IV

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