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Re: Spit fuses

To: alfapete@pacbell.net
Subject: Re: Spit fuses
From: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@mrdog.msl.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 18:18:08 -0400
Peter S. <alfapete@pacbell.net> wrote
> Bill wrote:....... If you have a large resistive short, the wire may
> > go before the 35A fuse.  It is always a good idea to use the smallest fuse
> > that you have no problems with.  Fuses are to protect the wire.
> >
> Fuses are to protect the device as well.
> PS

Sorry, but I disagree.  If the device is drawing excessive current, it
is already damaged and the fuse* can do nothing to prevent further
damage.  What a fuse will do is prevent the excessive current from
melting or smoking the wires and damaging a hard-to-replace wiring
harness, vehicle or human.  That's all.


*Certain high-interrupting capacity, current-limiting fuses are used
to protect semiconductor devices, but those are not used in any LBC
automotive applications that I am aware of.

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