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RE: cooling systems

To: "dan" <>
Subject: RE: cooling systems
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 01:03:45 +0000
Coolant or antifreeze is never supposed to be used 
straight.  It is my understanding that it should be 
mixed 50/50. So what's the trick?
59 BT7
Carson, CA
> Here's another tip for cooling systems.  This may not be the "right"
> thing to do, some of you old timers might dis-agree ;), but here's what
> I do.
> I live in Phoenix, AZ, and I have a '73 GT6 Mk3 that is a daily driver.
> We often endure 110 degree days together.  In this heat, it's easy to
> imagine that the car frequently overheats - and it did, until I started
> mixing coolant with water.  It took me a couple flushes to get the right
> ratio, but it's basically 50/50% mix of coolant and water.
> Adding water to the coolant makes the coolant thinner, which enables the
> mixture to flow easier through the cooling system, which produces less
> stress on the engine.   
> The only problem that I can imagine with this is that if there is a
> *small* leak in the cooling system, then it will be noticed, because the
> water might leak because it is thinner than coolant.  But there
> shouldn't be a leak in your cooling system anyway.  If anyone else has
> any feedback on this procedure, I'd appreciate it.
> - dt

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