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Re: cooling systems

To: "Fred Thomas" <>, "Triumphs"
Subject: Re: cooling systems
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 09:51:37 -0500
At 09:00 AM 8/15/02 -0400, Fred Thomas wrote:
>I have been using a radiator rust preventive called ="No-Rosion"= with 
>100% satisfaction for the past 10 years, it works as described, never seen 
>any rust or scale in any radiator on any car I own, and remember I do not 
>change anti-freeze every year I do this about every 5 years or so, very 
>good product for rust protection in any type car.

I don't enjoy wattering down another person's enthusiasm (much), and I do 
realize this could start a flame war, but just as a point of comparison, ....

I have been using a 50/50 mix of ethelyne-glycol (standard "permanemt" 
antifreeze) and water in all of my cars for decades, many hundreds of 
thousands of miles, with no other additives of any kind, and a flush and 
change of fresh coolant every 3 to 5 years.  I too have "never seen any 
rust or scale in any radiator on any car I own", and am very happy with the 
results.  I have no idea how to evaluate any product that may or may not 
make any improvement over perfection (or at least adequacy), so why waste 
the money.  I would however subscribe to using a corrosion inhibitor in 
plain water if you didn't have to worry about sub-freezing weather conditions.

$.02 (and let the feathers fly),

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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