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Re: More TR4 questions ...

Subject: Re: More TR4 questions ...
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 94 11:24:06 -0700
In message <> "TeriAnn Wakeman"  writes:

> Lets see:
> TR2 & 3 through TS22013 had a rim that was held in by a screw at the bottom.  
> FThat was replaced by a split rim untill TS32584.  After that was the snap on 
> rim well described below.  If the rivited on metal finger is bent or broken 
> off 
> the rim will not snap into place.  It seems the factory made them 
> progressivly 
> harder to install.

Sorry, got carried away & forgot which car you were talking about (Have TR3 on 
the brain don't cha know).

The TR4 has a wide snap on rim through 24600CT, and a narrow snap on rim 
afterwards.  If the steel clip at the bottom of the bucket is missing or bent 
the rim will not snap into place properly.

Sory about the confusion.  It sometimes seems to be my normal state these days.

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     
LINK: TWAKEMAN              
408-974-2344                         TR3A - TS75519L, 
                       MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561

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