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Re: More TR4 questions ...

Subject: Re: More TR4 questions ...
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 20:39:00 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 10 Oct 1994 wrote:

> With the car I received 2 "snap-on" chrome headlight trim
> rings. For the life of me I cannot snap them on. They appear to
> be the right diameter, and they come really close to snapping,
> but the metal frame  over which I imagine they snap has the upper part
> bent (by design, not damage) upward, and there appears to be no
> mating "bend" on the chrome rings.
> Has anyone tried this before? Do I have the wrong part?  HELP!
You may have the wrong headlamp buckets.  The early TR4 type hasn't been 
available for many years, and the later types sold as replacements need a 
different type of rim.
> 3) Where is the steering column grounded on the TR4. I've
> determined that the fact that the horn doesn't work is due to my
> steering column, and subsequently horn button, being isolated
> from ground - but I don't know where/how to fix it!
> Both conductor wires around the rubber steering column bushings
> appear to be intact, but I don't really know what they are for,
> or if they are involved here. Any hints?
On an early TR4 like yours (and mine), that's all there is.  The top 
section of the column is grounded via the straps across the rubber 
U-Joints, and thus to the steering rack, which is solidly mounted to the 
Troubleshoot by connecting one end of a long piece of wire to the grounded
battery terminal.  Have someone hold down the horn button.  Starting at the 
rack, touch the other end of the wire to each column segment and each 
grounding strap until the horn blows.  When the horn blows, you'll know 
that the broken ground is right below that point.  If you get to the top 
of the column without the horn blowing, then the problem is probably the 
switch itself - either the spring-loaded contact brush, or the wiring.
Chip Old              1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland    1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO (daily transportation)

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