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Re: GT6+ water pump

To: Michel Pelletier <>,
Subject: Re: GT6+ water pump
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 94 11:45:45 CST
Subject: GT6+ water pump
Author:  Michel Pelletier <>
Date:    10/11/94  9:04 AM

>Oh...oh....that familiar coolant smell under the hood again :(  This 
>time, it seems to be dripping from the inside of the water pump.  That's 
>from what I can see 'cause I haven't taken it off yet, but I did loosen 
>the drive belt and there is considerable play (plus or minus 1/8") on the 
>end where the belt runs.  I don't think it's normal.  
>Question:  Is this indicating that the bearing on the water pump has had 
>    it and if so, can it be replaced seperately?  If not, I guess 
>    it calls for a new pump, right?
>Many thanks,

Triumph water pumps are, in theory, rebuildable, but some of the parts
are NOT available. Easier to get a new water pump for $40-$50. These
new ones are NOT rebuildable, I believe.


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