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Re: Rebuild surprise and questions

Subject: Re: Rebuild surprise and questions
From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 20:48:00 PST
                  drill here
                 ___  |        ___
                |  _] |       [_  |
                | |   |         | | Clutch Fork           
                | |   |         | |
                | |   |         | |
                \  \  V        /  /
                 \  \_________/  /
           _______|             |________
                  |  ||         |
           _______|  ||         |________ Cross shaft
                 Tapered bolt

        Anybody else remember seeing this?  It was probably in a Moss or TRF 
        newsletter a few years ago.

I just saw it last night. It might have been printed in a newsletter or
the Moss catalog, but I found it in "More BS about TR's" by Bob
Schaller (available from TRF). He has a slightly different fix than Ken
Gillanders's (which I sent yesterday).

As in the ASCII representation above, drill a 3/16 diameter hole. Use a 1/8"
punch to knock out the broken pin.

Bob then recommends doing away with the tapered pin altogether - instead, drill
out the tapered hole with a size Q tap drill. Tap to 3/8-24 thread. Return the
fork to its proper position and use a 3/8x1-1/4" long GRADE 8 bolt to secure the
fork in position. File flat the rough cast surface where the bolt head contacts
the fork. Drill the bolt head for safety wire and use it.

(Jim Brannan, if this isn't clear, send me some mail and I'll fax you the page.)

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