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Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs swoopy line

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Subject: Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs swoopy line
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 15:00:21 -0800
Charlie asked:

> Katie, do you really think about
>  things like that when walking a course, or do you just sort of  absorb
> the layout and this analysis happens subconsciously?

And Katie replied:

> In the beginning, I was very analytical...

> Since then, I've been
> working on techniques to get myself NOT to think. This is really, REALLY
> hard.

I think that was a "yes." It's probably not possible to prove but
I believe that when one quiets the mind, the same thought
processes continue on their own but without the usual silent verbalization.

I believe the key, as the rest of Katie's response implies,
is that conscious analysis is necessary while learning,
but is a hindrance when executing what you already
know how to do.

Playing a musical instrument is perhaps the best example;
first you must figure out how to make sounds with the
device, but once mastered, it behooves one to pay sole
attention to the music.

Rich Urschel

Ps. Katie, I hope those techniques don't require thought.

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