Charlie writes,
> Katie, do you really think
> things like that when walking a course, or do you just sort of absorb
> layout and this analysis happens subconsciously? And, has this
> the years? Like, are you more or less analytical than you were as a
> youngster?
In the beginning, I was very analytical, probably more so than
necessary. The times I did at that time aren't what I remember so much
as just my general attitude and enjoyment of the sport, which is more
important, and were at that time lagging. My attitude was poor. I cried
a lot, and I blamed other people for my "bad" driving, which was not bad
at all. I wanted perfection.
Something clicked for me, about four or five years into it, something
completely unrelated to autocrossing, but that's when I discovered there
is such a thing as "paralysis by analysis." Since then, I've been
working on techniques to get myself NOT to think. This is really, REALLY
In moments of weakness, I have resorted to analysis. These are not good
days for me. The best days, I wish I could describe.
Some people call this talent, but I do not. It's a mindset, and I don't
think you can teach it. You have to just want to learn it, or accept it,
or just go with it. I can't explain it.
Katie K.