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Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs swoopy line

Subject: Re: pointless auto topic #38: short vs swoopy line
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 16:38:48 -0800 wrote:

> As opposed to playing music, reading an autocross course is important
> to keep you from making mistakes.  You might like to drive a certain
> line, but it's gravely.  Or, as in the case of a particular recent
> decreasing radius right-hander, you won't be sucked in to an apex at
> an angle that's 45-75 degrees off of the angle you need to actually
> make the rest of the corner.  A certain amount of conscious thought
> was required ... unless you just have impeccable instincts that never
> let you down.

The first time you see these things requires some
conscious decision making. After you have seen them
a few times, you can internalize it. After that you can
see gravel and avoid it without thinking about it.

Given that there is always something new to learn,
thinking about what you are going to do is not a
bad thing provided you are not giving yourself things
to consciously remember while driving.


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