Most other racing organizations include a rule book as part of the
membership cost/benefits. Add 15.00 to the membership cost and send every
member a rule book. Problem solved. (plus selling a lot more rule books)
The presenting a rule book at event registration is mostly taken as a joke
IMHO, the same rulebook gets passed thru more hands than a 5.00 prostitute
in the registration line. Might as well just hang one on a string at the
door of the truck.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Madurski, Ronald M" <>
To: "Eric Salem" <>; "Rocky Entriken" <>; "Eric
Linnhoff" <>; "Evolution Discussion"
<>; "autox mailing list"
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?
> You've got a little Catch-22 there. You need a rulebook to enter but
> you don't get teched until you've entered.
> As far as who "owns" the book, I don't feel like paying more for it just
> to get my name and VIN (which doesn't exist for my car, BTW)
> printed/stickered to it.
> Ron Madurski
> FM ???