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RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?

To: "'Rocky Entriken'" <>,
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 20:43:23 -0600
And Eric's idea to use the rulebook to hold the annual sticker -- said
sticker would need to have info on it such as VIN to assure what car was
teched -- not only makes it more a tech item but is a natural connection,
and assures the rulebook ownership (at least, one book per car if not per
driver -- well, okay, if you have two cars you can put both stickers in the
same book).

I must concurre with Rocky and Eric the Southern. If a rule book must be
owned to be admitted to the big events it should be marked in the owners
name or membership number to prevent the frequent AND common swapping of
books at registration at Natz and other events.

How this has slipped by the revenue side of the SCCA befudles me. It's only
15 bucks - not enough money to pay for a tire swap on one axle -- without a
balancing. Unless you live in Topeka or KC it wouldn't even be enough to buy
gas to get to the event. 

If I was in Steve Johnson's role there would be one simple rule. SoloII rule
books are issued by the national office and marked with the membership
number before they leave the national office. No Regions selling them, and
they rule books must be presented at tech for Divisional events on up. It
makes a very simple solution, with easy administration.

Eric the Northern

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