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Re: Thunder and Lightning

Subject: Re: Thunder and Lightning
From: Steve <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 08:33:48 -0700 (PDT)
> One of our local clubs purchased a "lightning
detector" which estimates how close the lightning is
to it/us, I assume by measuring the amount of static
electricity in the air.  Anyway, they wrote into the
club bylaws a rule which states that if the detector
registers lightning within X number of miles (can't
remember the number off the top of my head) that the
event must stop immediately.  If the storm can be
waited out, that's what happens.

About 10 years ago I was playing golf under a blue sky
but there was a thunderhead off in the distance.  We
hadn't seen any lightning and could barely hear
rumbles of thunder, then lighting struck a tree 50
feet from where we were standing.  It was close enough
that I could feel the heat on my arms and face, and
the thunder clap was deafening.  It came from the side
of the thunderhead and traveled many miles through
clear air to us.  That was a lesson and we were lucky.
 If you can hear thunder you are close enough to be
hit by lightning even if there aren't any clouds
overhead.  If there is bad weather approaching and you
can hear thunder the event site should be cleared.

Steve Elzinga
#55 CM

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