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Thunder and Lightning

Subject: Thunder and Lightning
From: Guy Schalnat <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 22:08:08 -0400
Not that this happened last weekend, but the
lightning and thunder got close enough to make me
think of other events...

Is there anything you can do if you are working
and the lightning is too close for your comfort
level?  I mean, this is fun and all, but it isn't
worth my life.  Is my only option leaving the
event and not running that day?  Are their any
rules on when we stop events?  Common sense has,
so far in my experience, completely failed to stop
events until the timing lights were literally
being washed away and cars on course were

It's one thing to be in a parking lot with a bunch
of tall lighting poles.  It's another to be on an
airstrip with nothing as tall as I am, even if I
duck down like you are suppose to when caught
outside in a lighting storm.

I mean, I understand wanting to get things
finished, but I don't know about putting lives in
danger.  Lightning kills a suprisingly high number
of people each year, I don't want to be one of


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