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Re: Thunder and Lightning

To: <>
Subject: Re: Thunder and Lightning
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 08:52:06 -0400
One of our local clubs purchased a "lightning detector" which estimates how
close the lightning is to it/us, I assume by measuring the amount of static
electricity in the air.  Anyway, they wrote into the club bylaws a rule
which states that if the detector registers lightning within X number of
miles (can't remember the number off the top of my head) that the event must
stop immediately.  If the storm can be waited out, that's what happens.

Well, that was several years ago and I've not seen it used often recently.
Now we just place a couple extra course workers, usually the tallest ones we
can find, with large metal umbrellas at the far edges of the large lot upon
which we run.  When smoke is rolling off of their blackened limbs, we head
for shelter.

Eric (the Terrible) Linnhoff
'98 Mini-Viper  #69 STS
Your Honorable KCRSCCA Solo Chair

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